Ball Python Prices Philippines
Check out the prices of our available ball pythons.
Ball Python Prices
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the ball python prices in the Philippines?
How big do ball pythons get?
What is the lifespan of a ball python?
What type of enclosure is best for a ball python?
A secure and appropriately sized enclosure with proper heating and humidity is essential. Many keepers prefer glass terrariums or plastic tubs with secure lids. You can these depending on their size:
Hatchling: 6L Megabox Shoebox
500 Grams – 1000 Grams: 20L Megabox Storage
1000 Grams and Up: 40L Underbed Storage
How often should I clean the snake's enclosure?
What is the ideal temperature and humidity for a ball python enclosure?
Ball pythons thrive in temperatures ranging from 78 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit on the cooler side and 88 to 92 degrees Fahrenheit on the warmer side. Humidity levels should be maintained between 50-60%.
What should I feed my ball python, and how often?
The feeding frequency depends on the snake’s age, with hatchlings typically fed every 5-7 days and adults every 10-14 days. Prey items should be appropriately sized, typically starting with pinky mice for hatchlings. Prey items should not be more than 1.5x the size of the widest part of the ball python. Lab rats are the most common rodent that is fed to ball pythons.
Where can I buy feeders for my ball pythons?
Pet stores usually sell mice and rats. You can also try searching for profiles or pages on Facebook that sell feeder rats, mice, and other rodents in your city.
Why is my ball python not eating?
Can I handle my ball python, and how often?
Ball pythons generally tolerate handling well, but it’s crucial to minimize handling during feeding time and allow them time to adjust to their new environment. We usually don’t handle them 24-48hrs after their meal. Handling once or twice a week is usually sufficient.
How do I handle a shedding ball python?
During the shedding process, provide increased humidity in the enclosure to aid the shedding process. Avoid handling your snake during this time, as their vision may be impaired. Some ball pythons may refuse to eat during the shedding process.
What signs indicate that my ball python is sick?
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